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Graham Cracker & Yogurt Parfaits

Graham Cracker & Yogurt Parfaits: Parfaits are cute. Parfaits served in their own individual jars are SUPER CUTE!! And make kiddos (and adults) really happy. I don’t know what it is about making things in individual servings, but it sure does make the food feel special. My girls were full of giggles and delight when I served them these simple and easy 5 ingredient cuties.

These parfaits are healthy, delicious, and loaded with protein, probiotics, & calcium. And the best part…you can make them the night before and have breakfast ready in seconds on busy school mornings. Just open the jar and give em’ a spoon. Voila, breakfast is served! What’s not to love about that!?

These Parfaits are:

  1. Protein-packed

  2. Adaptable to taste/preference

  3. Easy to make

  4. Easily made ahead

  5. CUTE

  6. Fun

  7. Flavorful

  8. Portable

Graham Cracker & Yogurt Parfaits

Serves: 4


  1. 2 cups unsweetened Greek or Plain Yogurt

  2. ¼ cup pure maple syrup

  3. 1 tsp cinnamon

  4. 4 large graham crackers, crushed

  5. 1 cup blueberries


  1. In small bowl, mix together yogurt, maple syrup and cinnamon.

  2. In a small jar (I use these 5 oz. ones), layer crushed graham crackers with yogurt and blueberries.


Graham Cracker & Yogurt Parfait

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