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Pregnancy: The One-Handed Motherhood Snack

Pregnancy, life right after pregnancy, and motherhood in general are tiring.  No matter which category you fall into (me: 37 weeks while simultaneously chasing a 2-year old), it’s not always easy to give your body the nourishment it needs.  Whether you’re short on time, your hands are full, or you’re just simply starving, it’s easy to grab an unhealthy often overly processed snack. But with healthy foods readily available, that you can eat with one-hand or on-the-go, you’re much less likely to grab that bag of chips and much more likely to eat well.  And there’s no denying how good this is for you….and either your growing belly, breastfeeding body or sleep-deprived self.  Have these handy foods in your fridge or pantry and I promise you will give your body the fuel it needs in a way that will make you feel great.

  1. Cut carrots, celery or red peppers with hummus

  2. Whole grain toast with cream cheese and sliced avocado

  3. Coconut-date snack bites

  4. Cottage cheese with chopped peaches, nectarines, bananas or pineapple

  5. Cut veggies with your favorite dip

  6. Celery spread with nut or seed butter

  7. Hard boiled eggs sprinkled with sea salt

  8. Carrot-apple muffins

  9. Individual cheese sticks/wedges

  10. Yogurt with granola

  11. Trail mix (not the kind with M&M’s in it!)

  12. Minimally processed bars: I recommend Kind or Larabar

  13. Box of raisins

  14. Fruit and yogurt smoothies

  15. Apple with swiss cheese

  16. Vegetable juice

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