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Finger Food: Figured Out….

Well, that was fast…. It’s only been 3 days since I posted about Audrey trying to figure out how to get food from her hand into her mouth and it seems she has it all figured out.  We have been working on this for quite some time now and just like that she’s become a pro.  In the past, she would pick up the food, stare at the food, smush the food, drop the food, and even on occasion throw it off the side of her high-chair.  Then last week while at a restaurant she was staring at the lemon wedge on the side of my glass of iced-tea.  I figured there’s no harm in a lemon, so I handed it to her.  Almost immediately she put it in her mouth.  The connection was made and that little lemon was apparently the gateway she needed.  Now she picks up her bits of cheese and fruit and adorably puts it in her mouth.  And by puts, I mean a slightly awkward shoving of sorts.  Regardless, the food is making it from her hand to mouth and I couldn’t be prouder.

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