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The Mini-Chef

If there is one thing that will help babies and kids alike grow into healthy eaters, it’s exposure.  Exposure to different flavors, textures, and food groups.  But exposure doesn’t just begin and end with what kids eat, it is also a matter of what they see, touch, and experience.  That’s why I love to include Audrey, even at the early age of 11 months, into all of my cooking adventures.  One aspect of this is our “mini-chef” play.  Audrey has stuffed tomatoes, cabbages, apples, garlic, mushrooms, leeks, oranges, scallions and more, that we create into little meals.  Exposure to these different play foods not only introduces her to a variety of fruits and vegetables, but it also stregthens her sensory perception of them.  The best way to introduce mini-chef play?  While you prepare dinner have your little one in their highchair exploring play foods along with measuring cups, whisks, and wooden spoons.  It’s a learning experience that can keep them entertained for what feels like forever…which in mom time is at least 30 minutes.

* At this age I stick to the plush versions of play food, but Audrey will certainly be getting a play kitchen when she’s old enough (the toys pictured here were purchased at and Ikea).

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